Welcome to HYBOT.EU

Enhancing hybrid teaching in higher education through chatbots

About the Project

HYBOT - Enhancing hybrid teaching in higher education through chatbots

The design of hybrid teaching scenarios is currently still a challenge for teachers, as didactic know-how is required to link physical and digital learning locations. Furthermore, planning and implementing hybrid teaching concepts can be time-consuming.

The HYBOT project aims to explore the potentials of hybrid teaching for universities and to develop novel concepts. This is to be done with the help of chatbots, i.e. intelligent virtual assistants. Chatbots are already actively used in various industries for entertainment or information purposes. Chatbots can also play a significant role in education and specifically in the development and implementation of hybrid learning scenarios by acting as digital assistants to teachers and taking over or supporting various functions. To create and implement a good chatbot-based hybrid teaching concept requires specialized knowledge, pedagogical skills and, last but not least, a dose of enthusiasm. All these building blocks were put together in the three-year HYBOT project with the goal of building competencies of university teachers in designing and implementing hybrid learning and teaching scenarios using chatbots. For this purpose, supporting tools such as an online training program for the development of chatbots, a handbook with the good practices of hybrid teaching in Europe and worldwide, and a transnational “Community of Practice” were developed and tested during the project. In addition, university teachers participating in the project demonstrated the acquired knowledge and competencies by creating their own hybrid scenarios and chatbots and testing them with students.

In the long term, the project aims to contribute to the modernization of learning settings at universities and to increase the reach of learning opportunities in post-pandemic times.

Project Trailer

Have a short overview about our Project HYBOT


Find news and further information on the project results right here.

Compendium of hybrid teaching practices
The hands-on collection of hybrid teaching scenarios from practitioners across Europe!

Chatbot development tool
Try out our pilot chatbots and learn about the potentials of Artificial Intelligence in higher education in an intuitive way!

Open Training program on chatbots creation
Become a chatbot developer for higher education for free!

Piloted chatbot-based hybrid sessions
Master the challenge and enhance your hybrid teaching scenario with a self-made chatbot!

Go hybrid with Hybot!

Download flyer 

The creation of this resource has been partially funded by the ERASMUS+ grant program of the European Union under grant no. 2021-1-DE01-KA220-HED-000023203. Neither the European Commission nor the project’s national funding agency DAAD are responsible for the content or liable for any losses or damage resulting of the use of this resource.